Monday, 22 August 2016

Natural Options to Relieve Headache Pain & Tension

Headaches often get brushed aside as nothing more than a common complaint, a quit-your-whining-and-start-working type of thing if only. While many people suffer them at one point or another, rarity is not the best way to judge just how nasty something can be. The pain of a headache can make day-to-day life a miserable challenge, and forces us to head straight for the aspirin. This is a sticky situation, because ultimately that will only perpetuate the problem.

Headaches are of different types such as a migraine, sinus headache and tension headache and they all bring discomfort and pain. Among their symptoms are nausea, pounding headache and vomiting. Headaches can be treated with preventive medications and anti-nausea drugs. On the other hand, there are also natural remedies that will relieve your headache pain.              

Ginger Tea

Crush up an inch of ginger root and add it to boiling water. This homemade tea reduces inflammation in about the same amount of time as it would take an aspirin to work. It has been used for centuries in Asia to treat a number of ailments.


Instead of popping a pill when you get a headache, toss back some almonds. For everyday tension-type headaches, almonds can be a natural remedy and a healthier alternative to other medicine. It acts as a pain reliever because it contains something called salicin, which is also an agent in popular over the counter killers. Try eating a handful or two of these wholesome nuts when you feel the ache start to set in.


Massage For temporary relief, try rubbing your temples or getting a neck, back, head, or shoulder massage.In a small study, people with migraines who had six weekly massage sessions had less frequent migraines and better sleep during the massage weeks and the three following weeks than a control group.

Essential oils

Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds of flowers and plants in a highly concentrated form. They are, in many ways, the essence of the plant and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts.


Stretches can ease the muscle tension that causes for headache pain. It is advisable that you stretch two times a day for 20 minutes. You can hold the stretch for five seconds, calm down for five seconds and repeat the stretch for five times.

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