Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The Healthy Foods For Help You Live Longer

The super healthy foods known for their anti-aging properties, all contain specific chemicals and/or vitamins that seem to increase best ability to fight off some of today's most prevalent, life-threatening diseases. Superfoods is that they’ll usually provide support to a major organ needed to live. There are healthy foods you can eat that benefit the heart, brain, liver, and other vital organs. Another benefit that is commonly shared is the presence of antioxidants used to battle free radicals and help keep us free from disease and fight the aging process.

Everybody wants to explore more of this attractive human world. Believing in god and practicing paganism can get you closer to god, but it will not help you to increase your life’s longevity. There are some superfoods which can help you live long and healthy foods life, because exercising alone cannot keep you healthy foods. So, here are some healthy superfoods that you need to include in your routine diet, to see their positive effects.  


Spinach is a superfood because it is a very rich source of antioxidants. This superfood is packed with plenty of iron as well as Vitamins (such as A, C & K). Spinach is also great for your eyes, as it is rich in lutein. It is a rich source of fibre, and it helps in regulating blood pressure and builds-up immunity. So, add spinach in your salad or your sandwich or go ahead and cook that irresistibly tasty palak


Avocados are extraordinarily high in fiber, and contain more potassium than bananas.avocados are also a nasty enemy of high blood pressure, heart disease and certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer. Who knew avocados could keep you regular. ust scoop 'em out of the skin, and enjoy raw. Try mashing them together with tomatoes, lime juice, jalapeno peppers and salt for a killer guacamole.


Broccoli contains more vitamin C than most citrus fruits, more calcium than a glass of milk, more fiber than a slice of whole wheat bread, and a truckload of antioxidants.Broccoli is a powerful anti-carcinogen, since it stimulates the body to produce its own cancer-fighting substances. But broccoli doesn't stop there; it can also help prevent cataracts, heart disease, arthritis, ulcers, and viruses.


Turns out there’s a lot of truth in the apple a day adage. Aside from the obvious benefits of containing fiber and helping regular digestive bacteria, apples contain polyphenols that offer an assortment of benefits. The most impressive of which is they’re able to help regulate your blood sugar levels, which can be of great use in weight loss, and help you stay focused throughout the day. To get the full benefit, consider spending a bit more for organic rather than conventional. It’s not that there’s more vitamins in an organic apple, but you’re leaving out a lot of the toxins and pesticides that get sprayed onto ordinary apples.


Berries are very rich in antioxidants. They add a burst of colours to your fruit salad and to your healthy diet Recipes. Blueberries are good in keeping fat away from your body and also keep you away from cardiovascular problems. Cranberries can help in maintaining your blood pressure levels. Strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties, and it also helps keep diabetes and cancer at bay.

Monday, 13 April 2015

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Parsley Tea

If you drink parsley tea regularly it can help to combat flatulence and excess mucus.Parsley is a rich Vitamin C source, so it helps iron to absorb in the body. You can health benefit a lot from this if have anemia.The tea has diuretic properties, so it used often for detoxification. Drinking it can help to reduce water retention and flush toxins from your body. The diuretic properties also cause people to use it extensively in weight loss diets.

Parsley, a popular ingredient in the culinary world used mainly as a garnish adds a unique flavour to deliciously steamy stews and soups. Touted as the world’s seventh herb combating diseases, parsley offers positive curative benefits for health benefits. Therefore, for centuries, parsley tea was one of the main sources for treating numerous disorders.Parsley is high in vitamins and minerals and boasts many properties that treat a wide range of health benefits conditions. Brewed as tea, parsley is even more effective due to the additional flavonoids.                                                                                                    
Combat Cancer

Myristicin, the volatile oil in Parsley, stimulates an enzyme that stabilises benzopyrenes, the carcinogens, present in Cigarette smoke.  According to the University of Maryland, the flavonoids like limonene prevent reproduction of cancer cells by blocking the proteins.

Removes gallstones

When bile acids and cholesterol in the gallbladder becomes hard, they develop into tiny deposits of stones, more commonly known as gallstonesParsley contains oxalic acid that cleanses and boosts the kidneys. Drinking a pint of parsley tea every day helps in dissolving gallstones and kidney stones. Parsley tea can also be taken with boiled onions or juniper berries.To prepare parsley tea benefits, boil a liter of water and steep two sprigs of parsley for about 10 to 15 minutes. Add lemon or honey. Parsley tea can be taken hot or cold.


Antioxidants for a week and then consumed parsley every day for a second week. At the end of the second week, researchers found that the parsley had reduced oxidative stress markers in the participants. This indicates parsley has a healthy role in the human body as an herb rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous effects, making them important for anyone who wants to stay healthy and prevent disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Parsley tea helps reduce inflammation in the body.  Hence, the herbal tea is effective in treating anti-inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, Gout and Rheumatoid arthritis.  Consuming two cups of parsley tea every day, with a dash of honey or lemon, to avoid bitterness, reduces the levels of uric acid in the body, thus alleviating pain In addition to this the tea also acts as a protective agent safeguarding the occurrences of anti-inflammatory diseases.

Nutritious Leaves

Parsley is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as the minerals iron and sulfur. The nutrient found in the highest quantity in parsley is vitamin K, which is important for bone density and a healthy benefits cardiovascular system. It's best to make parsley tea from fresh parsley leaves so that it retains the most nutrients.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

The Health Benefits of Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice as we already know, is a wonder fruit of the tropical region. Originally it was found to be grown in the South African countries from where it reached to all the tropical countries of the world. It is a very rich source of carbohydrates, vitamins (A& C), potassium and is devoid of any amount of fats and calories. It’s ideally considered as the best fruit to beat the scorching heat during summers.

They are excellent source of many vitamins that include Vitamins A for eyes health benefits, vitamin C for stronger immunity and vitamin B6 for better brain functioning and conversion of protein to body energy. The best time to take fresh, juicy watermelon is during hot summer. The following is a complied list the health benefits of watermelon juice.Watermelon is an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and vitamins C, A and B. Plus, it has potassium along with other important minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains enzymes, organic acids and natural sugars.              

Controls High Blood Pressure

Watermelon juice can help control high blood pressure. The potassium, magnesium and amino acids in watermelon work together to maintain the health benefits of blood vessels and ward off sclerosis, in turn ensuring smooth blood flow.Watermelon juice also helps maintain proper electrolyte and acid-base balances in the body that helps lower the risk of high blood pressure.

Loose Weight

If you are one of those who struggles to keep their calory intake low then watermelon juice is life savor for you. Watermelons provides very low calories. Approx. 30 calories you will get for each 100 gram of watermelon flesh you eat.Watermelon fill your stomach and gives you sense of satisfaction while keeping the calories low.

Prevent Cancers

Rich presence of anti-oxidant flavonoids in watermelon like beta-carotene, zeazanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin and lutein guard best body against cancer.Watermelon can help to prevent colon, prostet, pancrease and breast cancer. Lycopene & Carotenoids are the phyto-chemicals that are essential for the cells to build properly and these ingredient of watermelon help body to healthy juice protect cells from oxygen free radicals.

Reduces Body Fat

The citrulline in watermelon has been shown to reduce the accumulation of fat in the fat cells. Citrulline is an amino acid which converts into arginine with help from the kidneys. When best bodies absorb citrulline it can take the step of converting into arginine if so required. Citrulline, when consumed, has the ability to (through a series of steps) block the activity of TNAP (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase) which makes the fat cells create less fat, and thus helps prevent over-accumulation of body fat.

Cures Intestinal Disorder

A common problem among people is constipation. It is due to intestinal disorder. But watermelon juice with its high content of water lubricates the digested food, which helps to break it down. Thus, within a short period the body eliminates the waste out.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Top 5 Home Remedies For Dissolve Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are one of the most painful disorders that affect humans. Kidney stones are solid masses of mineral salt deposits that are normally filtered through the kidney and emptied via urine. Urine has a natural substance, which dissolves these minerals, thereby preventing them into becoming solids or calculi. Sometimes due to dehydration, these salts don’t get dissolved and crystallization takes place. It grows large enough to obstruct the renal ducts or get stuck in the ureter, causing sharp and severe pain in the urinary tract. Untreated, kidney stones can cause renal failure.

This can be a painful condition when stones are present in the kidney or bladder but especially when passing a kidney stone with the mineral accumulation lodged in the ureter. Kidney stone symptoms include significant pain near the kidneys (your back, near the sides and below the rib cage), painful urination, waves of pain that spread through the abdominal region and into the groins, and nausea or even vomiting. Your urine may show signs of blood, turning a shade from pink to brown and it may give off a particularly bad smell.    


The water and potassium content that is present in watermelon is an essential ingredient for a healthy treatment for kidney stone. It helps in regulating and maintaining the level of acid present in the urine. Eating watermelon or drinking its juice everyday will help in flushing out stones from the kidney.

Cereal Grass

Cereal grasses such as wheat grass and barley grass have been used for thousands of years as a “cure all” medicine. They are renowned for helping to alkalize the body and prevent kidney stones from forming. Green tea is also thought to be extremely helpful as a home remedy for kidney stones. Remember, the Japanese drink lots of green tea everyday and they very rarely get kidney stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective remedy for a long list of ailments, including kidney stones. Not only will ACV help to break apart and flush out stones, regular consumption of around 2 tablespoons per day can help to prevent future occurrences. Try an apple cider vinegar tonic first thing in the morning, again around midday, and a third time in the evening to reap the health benefits of this incredible natural remedy and get rid of your kidney stones at the same time.

Vegetable Proteins

It’s a well-known fact that over-consumption of certain animal proteins can cause kidney stones. If you are prone to the condition, consider replacing some (not necessarily all) of the meats in your diet with vegetable protein sources. While a lot of people may groan at the idea of giving up their beef, pork, eggs, fish, etc – the excruciating pain of passing kidney stone after kidney stone might be incentive enough. Some excellent veggie sources of protein include green peas, chia seeds, quinoa, spirulina, almonds, beans, hummus, and of course soy. Just remember, you need approximately 50 grams of protein per day.

Pomegranate Juice

pomegranate juice prevents the formation of certain types of kidney stones. If you think you’re at risk for kidney stones, enjoy a serving or two of pomegranate juice every day. Not only will your kidneys thank you, pomegranates are also full of antioxidants that protect the body from damaging free radicals.