Watermelon juice as we already know, is a wonder fruit of the tropical region. Originally it was found to be grown in the South African countries from where it reached to all the tropical countries of the world. It is a very rich source of carbohydrates, vitamins (A& C), potassium and is devoid of any amount of fats and calories. It’s ideally considered as the best fruit to beat the scorching heat during summers.
They are excellent source of many vitamins that include Vitamins A for eyes health benefits, vitamin C for stronger immunity and vitamin B6 for better brain functioning and conversion of protein to body energy. The best time to take fresh, juicy watermelon is during hot summer. The following is a complied list the health benefits of watermelon juice.Watermelon is an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and vitamins C, A and B. Plus, it has potassium along with other important minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains enzymes, organic acids and natural sugars.
Controls High Blood Pressure
Watermelon juice can help control high blood pressure. The potassium, magnesium and amino acids in watermelon work together to maintain the health benefits of blood vessels and ward off sclerosis, in turn ensuring smooth blood flow.Watermelon juice also helps maintain proper electrolyte and acid-base balances in the body that helps lower the risk of high blood pressure.
Loose Weight
If you are one of those who struggles to keep their calory intake low then watermelon juice is life savor for you. Watermelons provides very low calories. Approx. 30 calories you will get for each 100 gram of watermelon flesh you eat.Watermelon fill your stomach and gives you sense of satisfaction while keeping the calories low.
Prevent Cancers
Rich presence of anti-oxidant flavonoids in watermelon like beta-carotene, zeazanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin and lutein guard best body against cancer.Watermelon can help to prevent colon, prostet, pancrease and breast cancer. Lycopene & Carotenoids are the phyto-chemicals that are essential for the cells to build properly and these ingredient of watermelon help body to healthy juice protect cells from oxygen free radicals.
Reduces Body Fat
The citrulline in watermelon has been shown to reduce the accumulation of fat in the fat cells. Citrulline is an amino acid which converts into arginine with help from the kidneys. When best bodies absorb citrulline it can take the step of converting into arginine if so required. Citrulline, when consumed, has the ability to (through a series of steps) block the activity of TNAP (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase) which makes the fat cells create less fat, and thus helps prevent over-accumulation of body fat.
Cures Intestinal Disorder
A common problem among people is constipation. It is due to intestinal disorder. But watermelon juice with its high content of water lubricates the digested food, which helps to break it down. Thus, within a short period the body eliminates the waste out.
They are excellent source of many vitamins that include Vitamins A for eyes health benefits, vitamin C for stronger immunity and vitamin B6 for better brain functioning and conversion of protein to body energy. The best time to take fresh, juicy watermelon is during hot summer. The following is a complied list the health benefits of watermelon juice.Watermelon is an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and vitamins C, A and B. Plus, it has potassium along with other important minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains enzymes, organic acids and natural sugars.
Controls High Blood Pressure
Watermelon juice can help control high blood pressure. The potassium, magnesium and amino acids in watermelon work together to maintain the health benefits of blood vessels and ward off sclerosis, in turn ensuring smooth blood flow.Watermelon juice also helps maintain proper electrolyte and acid-base balances in the body that helps lower the risk of high blood pressure.
Loose Weight
If you are one of those who struggles to keep their calory intake low then watermelon juice is life savor for you. Watermelons provides very low calories. Approx. 30 calories you will get for each 100 gram of watermelon flesh you eat.Watermelon fill your stomach and gives you sense of satisfaction while keeping the calories low.
Prevent Cancers
Rich presence of anti-oxidant flavonoids in watermelon like beta-carotene, zeazanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin and lutein guard best body against cancer.Watermelon can help to prevent colon, prostet, pancrease and breast cancer. Lycopene & Carotenoids are the phyto-chemicals that are essential for the cells to build properly and these ingredient of watermelon help body to healthy juice protect cells from oxygen free radicals.
Reduces Body Fat
The citrulline in watermelon has been shown to reduce the accumulation of fat in the fat cells. Citrulline is an amino acid which converts into arginine with help from the kidneys. When best bodies absorb citrulline it can take the step of converting into arginine if so required. Citrulline, when consumed, has the ability to (through a series of steps) block the activity of TNAP (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase) which makes the fat cells create less fat, and thus helps prevent over-accumulation of body fat.
Cures Intestinal Disorder
A common problem among people is constipation. It is due to intestinal disorder. But watermelon juice with its high content of water lubricates the digested food, which helps to break it down. Thus, within a short period the body eliminates the waste out.
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